
Beyond Bluebook: The Dream Is Never the Goal

Achieving the Right Aspirations Through the Right Way and at the Right Time

“Follow your dreams.”

Everyone has heard it being said at least once and, even for some, several times. Dreams, aspirations, and goals. Whatever you may call it, this has been always part, and not apart, from human nature. It is a fundamental component of human imagination, the very same imagination which comprises human ingenuity at its finest. Every single innovation in human civilization has been a product of one individual’s aspirations. And through determination and hard work, anyone with a dream can make even the most impossible things, whatever it may be, very possible. But why is it that many people fail to achieve their dreams, believing that its pursuit is a trivial matter? As Paulo Coelho wrote in his best-selling novel The Alchemist: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: The fear of failure.”
Dreams are often neglected, rejected, and thrown away because we believe that if we try, we will fail. Truth be told, failure cannot be avoided in the pursuit of one’s dreams. But how we respond to this failure sets us apart from all the others. The light bulb was not invented in a single try. Belief and determination are integral in the achievement of a dream.

In addition, one must also consider if their dream coincides with their purpose in life, as set by a higher being. If it is not meant to be, then it will not come to pass. Thus, it is also very important that a person truly understands who he/she is and what are they called to do in this life. You will never even conceive a dream that is not in league with your true identity and the whole reason why you exist.

As put forth by this certain novel, everyone has something they want to accomplish. For instance, some of us may wish to become teachers, or doctors, or politicians. This is placed in our hearts when we are young, when our imagination and innocence work hand in hand, causing us to be passionate about doing something for people that we love.

But what many do not realize is that the dream is not the most important thing. It is the journey we undertake to achieve this. Many do commit unacceptable and selfish things to become successful. They compromise and pull others down. But when they achieve their aspiration, they find themselves empty and filled with regret over wrong decisions. This should not be. If we keep ourselves virtuous and our motives, honorable, then it offers as much reward as achieving the goal.

Oftentimes, the journey we take teaches us that what we do in order to achieve this dream is more valuable than the dream itself. And it is also important to realize that every good aspiration will become perfect at the right time. The patience, the diligence, and the moral excellence we take to achieve success develop us and can make possible the impossible.

All in all, it is not useless or trivial to choose to follow your dreams as long as it is what was given to you and which was meant for you from the very beginning. In fact, it is never too late to start the pursuit. But in the end, you will not achieve it by sheer luck. Hard work is one of the keys to success. And the fear of failure should not hinder you as well. If you really have the passion, you will succeed in the end. But always remember: the dream is never, and has never been, the end goal. Rather, the important and valuable thing is who we become as we follow our dreams, as we follow the path we have taken, no matter how difficult it may be and no matter how long it may take. Finally, I end with another quote, also by Coelho:

This article for Beyond Bluebook is written by Roch Chan.


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